When choosing and using a self storage unit, you never expect that your items will go to auction. It isn’t something you should typically worry about. Unknown financial hardship can sometimes result in your possessions being jeopardized.
It’s a good idea to be prepared, and take preventative measures to make sure your items stay safe, and in your own possession.
Why Do Storage Units Get Auctioned Off?
As a storage company ourselves, the last thing we want is to auction off your personal items. The reason that self storage auctions happen is typically when storage tenants fail to pay their rent on time. So, it’s also smart to discuss payment options with the storage company.
After several warning periods, if the renter does not pay what’s due in time, self storage unit owners can proceed to auction off the continents of the unit to the highest bidder.
Ways to Prevent Your Items From Being Auctioned
Life happens at unexpected times, and we’re here to work with you to make sure everything possible is done to prevent your items and valued possessions from being auctioned off. Here’s a few ways to ensure that your items stay safe and sound in your storage unit:
Pay Your Storage Bill
Without a doubt, the easiest and most sure fire way to ensure your items are safe, is to be on time with rent payments. When selecting your storage unit, be conscious to choose a plan that works best for you. Whether it’s through monthly or annual payments, and be prepared to make those payments on time.
Grant Family Access
If you’re worried about potentially not being able to make a payment, or are often traveling and away from home, it can be a good idea to grant family access to your storage unit and belongings. The original owner of the unit is the only person who is authorized to grant access to other people. By granting family or loved one’s access ahead of time, they would be able to come in and retrieve your items if you’re not able to for any reason. Further, it’s important to keep in mind that legal ID is required by any person on your authorization list.
Know Your Laws
Laws involving the auctioning off of storage items varies state to state. It’s important to be aware of the specific laws in your state and what they say regarding liability of your items. In most states, there is a grace period where the tenant is notified via email, mail, or phone. This is required to give tenants plenty of time to take corrective action.
Having your valued possessions auctioned off is every storage tenant (and owners) worst nightmare. Take these simple preventative steps listed above to keep your property safe and belonging to you and only you.
Star Self Storage Wausau is a locally-owned operator that rents out storage units with custom options ranging from various size units and climate controlled units in Central Wisconsin. We have 3 locations with multiple buildings at each site. Each offers rental space in a variety of sizes to fit your needs.